1. You can only make maps if you are a member. (have roblox studio now)
2. You can get a viuse in your computer by playing a mini game.(i... do not know what this means)
3. You can't voice chat in roblox. (never will)
4. Roblox should be a kid site that people that are under 18. (i agree)
5. You can't friend * only for guests *(guests removed)
6. Roblox should be a 5 doller online game. (its free so anyone can play)
7. There screamers in roblox just to make you scream very loud. (pretty rare tbh)
8. The controls are bad. (nope, its just you that suck)
9. Everyone in roblox has a friend that you can't unfriend * Unless you are a hacker * (hmm.....no?)
10. You can record a video in roblox but you have to have a recorder to do that.(nope)