The Top 10
The Top 10

MARIO SOCCER CHAMPIONS (and players in general)[]

1. David Zemsky: David was without a doubt the greatest mario soccer player in the history of the game. His reign (which is still in progress) of being the champ was and is far longer than anyone else. Also in addition to being the greatest champ on paper he was also the "peoples" champ. He won over the crowd with his silly anticts. Making him in my opinion the clear cut favorite for greatest mario soccer player ever.

2. Alex George: The young up and comer, he had the 2nd longest streak of anyone in this fine sport. He is the self proclaimed "peoples" champ despite David Zemsky being the obvious peoples champ.

3. Michael George: Bro of Alex and the old vet of the game, it has been argued by some that despite never being the champ he is the 2nd best player. In his prime he was with out a doubt the 2nd best and maybe even the best of everyone. (Also the goof of the game)

4. Jake Cappuccino: One of those has beens. It has been rumored that he has beaten David before but this was quickly dismissed as blasphemy.

5. Trey Toy: A generic player of the game not a steller record although he has won games before unlike others farther down on the list.

6. Alex Rutland: Never was any good at the game and has suffered some major defeats. He once blaimed his losses on the fact that he "had never played before" even though everyone knew that he had.

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